Monday, December 01, 2008


Aku nak mengucapkan takziah dan kesian kat kawan aku yg baru kena saman sebab langgar lampu merah... mesti tak sengaja... but this case i.e. langgar lampu merah bukan nya perkara asing sangat... yes it is wrong... tp kenkadang kita tak sengaja...

but the cruel part is... saman kat doha ni giler nak mampus mahal!!! untuk langgar lampu merah dia kena saman QR6000 (RM5900) bengong!!! n jangan harap lah raya nanti dapat discount... kat malaysia ye lah kenkadang dapat discount... but seriously giler!!!

Lesson learnt, aku akan berhenti bila lampu hijau dah blink2... kalau kena langgar kat belakang pun, still blh claim insurance... kena saman, sapa nak tanggung??? (boleh ke lari je dr negara ni n tak bayar saman... hehehe)

btw, u can leave the country (balik cuti or business trip) even though dah kena saman. but not sure whether blh bawak kereta tu keluar ke tak... hmm...


Que Sera Sera said...

nope, i don't think that is cruel..u see, the reason for this high saman is mainly to let ppl know that the law is not a joke (unlike M'sia..the enforcement of law is not consistently there)..if saman setakat rm100, rm200, ppl couldn't be bothered to adhere sbb ala, murah benor, without realising that their act of langgar lampu merah tu can lead to damaging situation eg accident, langgar the pedestrian etc etc..but if mahal mcm ni, then ppl are more cautious and takut duit habis bayar saman, just like what u mentioned in your write up..

so, i still believe that we need to be more careful on the road, with or without strict law enforcement..

Anonymous said...

Hahaah lepas baca trus check ada saman ke tidak. Nasib baaaaaiiikkk tak de. Harap harap takan ada la. Trus hari ni bawak keta, blink blink at gren stop je trus. Lantak ler org belakang nak marah ke apa ke..hehehe...

Anonymous said...

wait wait mean your friend beat the red light. But not hit or langgar the traffic light post sampai bengkok macam Leaning Tower of Pisa. 6000 QR is OUTRAGEOUS!!! Kelakar seram lah law at Qatar.

Hmmmm...teringat peristiwa I gi polis station, gi bank, gi mahkamah...LOL!!!!!