Life is more fun bila kita kena buat pilihan... hehehe... disebalik buat pilihan tu ada thrill tersendiri...
ok.. if you have to choose a job between:
1. a job that promised you a better career track... kiranya naik pangkat and more responsibility... it will later developed your career, improved your technical skill.... which will cantikkan resume...
2. a job which definitely gives you a memorable life experience... perhaps same grade as now, or perhaps lower level... but it open up your eyes and mind... give u more knowledge on other culture, other lifestyle etc...
Moneywise, both offer the same... or perhaps no 2 might be better in package, but u suffer skit sbb mcm duduk deserted place...
which one would u choose???
(aku mcm minat no 2... hmmm.... nak kena minta bantuan Allah jugak ni.... but anyway, what say u?)
no 2 nampak lebih menarik la bro...
saya yakin betul... saya pilih no. 2!!!! saya kunci jawapan saya.. wakakakaaaaa.....
mmm...i will definitely choose the 2nd one..ngee..
No 2 so that ur blog will be full of those exotic stories.. hehehehe
Tak de tak de NOMBOR 1
No. 2. Definately, because No. 1 is sound to good to be true, unless u kaki kipas... but then kaki kipas is not a pure performer.. so No. 2 la... like french people... diorang ni banyak lepak and spend masa dgn family, dan makan.... negara diorang maju jugak, dan diorang tak gemuk2 jugak.. nak jadi macam jepun? semua diubah? tengohlah rate bunuh diri mereka...
for me no 2 lebihhhhh 1 mcm keje biasa jek, routine- boringgg
aku setuju ngan anonymous about too good to be true. memula memang janji career track kalah donald trump. bila dah join, politiknyer ya rabbi.. semua tempat sama.
so for your spiritual fullfillment, job option no 2 is more enticing. if not now, when? dah tua2 gayut, beranak pinak + other commitment baru ko nak menyesal karang..
so go for it! lihatlah dunia Allah yg maha besar ni. asyik orang kapir jer yg dok buat kerja2 cam ni.
thanks for your feedback...
No 1 vs No 2... nampak nya byk vote no 2....
hmmmm..... nanti update with the real case... :-)
Lot of idea and pendapat. The word 'deserted' ia a clue. Is it as bad as Robinson Cruso or as good as Tarzan and Jane. Both of them are in deserted place but Tarzan ada Jane.
tak kiraaaaaa... ok lah aku cakap sikit ni.. memang la no 2 tu lebih interesting, but ko kena pijak di bumi nyata.. kalau ko tu remaja lagi or baru grad ok lah.. skrg ni time to build your career.. you may need to sacrifice something but you'll gain alot in the end. kalau nak rasa other culture.. ko pulun yg no 1. then cuti setahun.. travel.. at least ko dah ada track record and repertoir.. there take that. sekarang ni competition memang hebat.. ko tak perlu nak kipas2 nak naik.. tak aci nama nya persaingan tak sihat.. compete creatively not competitively.. just remember.. your re not at your 20s
hahahaha... so aku kena lah cari Jane :-)
yup... couldn't agree more with you... but if this comment keluar last month.. am still in my 20s... (joking)... thanks for ur thought.
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