Tuesday, October 03, 2006

After complaining so much...

hehehe...semlm kan aku mengamuk sorang2 kat dlm blog nih kan... pasal uncertainty lah.. itu lah... tetiba mcm hari nih macam terjawab plak apa yg dinanti... ok before citer lebih lanjut nak citer gak on what i've done the whole week (hmmm... isnin sampai selasa lah...)

btw, until now aku masih tak dpt nak biasakan diri yg hari ahad dah start keje... and hari rabu meaning dah hampir ke hujung minggu and i shouldn't complain on Monday blues, but sunday blues instead (oooh zal, u just 2 weeks here... what do u expect, hehehehe)

ok.... setelah minggu lepas aku berbincang sana sini memahami apa yg aku buat, suppose minggu nih aku patutnyer dah mula buat report lah... aku kena berpindah2 antara my dept and program dept bg menyiapkan keje2 yg diperlukan... but hari ahad aku duduk jer kat my dept sbb aku mintak laptop tp belum dpt lagi... tp my big boss asyik2 suruh ajer aku ke program dept... dia tak paham aper keje aku kot (hmmm... sorry ler aku pon belum taruh kat blog nih apa aku buat sebenarnyer.. nanti2 lah, faham ajer lah konsep yg aku akan jd link program dept ngan my dept)... hari isnin kononnyer aku akan dpt laptop.... pon tak dapat jugak... so end of hari isnin aku email kat naef (the big boss)... aku cakap, until i got my laptop baru lah aku akan ke program dept...

so semlm selasa... akhirnya aku dpt laptop... ye ye.... aku ada 2 laptop kat doha nih... satu kat office satu kat umah.... apa best nyer pakai laptop nih?? ntah... aku pon tak tahu.. tp rasa berharga plak... org lain suma pakai pc biasa ajer... hehehehe

and tgh hari semlm aku dpt email yg kata nyer apt aku dah ready....

Kindly note that we will be moving you from your current residences at the Ri-taj
and Fleminggo to our newest building

Called EL-EhMADI building by
C-RING road next to the Gulf Cinema signals, this is a nice building which is
fully furnished

Further kindly collect your keys immediately from
Saber at the housing section,

For any further assistance when
moving please contact Hervi, Navid, Sabir and Fawzy or myself.

so later in the afternoon, aku pon nak g ambil kunci but still belum assigned lagi apt... aku tak kisah lah sgt, so minggu dpn aku kena lah usaha cari transport sendiri... yg bagus nyer apt baru nih lebih dekat ngan tempat awam... like kedai n senang dpt teksi... (kata depa ler.. aku tak tgk lagi lah)...

satu perkara yg menarik berkaitan D0ha nih... kat sini tak der proper alamat like no lot/rumah, nama jalan and poskod... kat sini mailing address semua pakai P/O box ajer. dan kalau nak kenal tempat selalunyer refer kepada the nearest landmark... like hotel, roundabout, traffic lights... etc... contohnyer.. tpt aku duduk sekarang Ri-taj Residence... kalau cakap kat org sini, tak ramai yang tau kat ner... so aku kena lah bg tahu dkt sports roundabout... if korang perasan kat dlm email tu.. ada cakap bangunan tu dekat ngan gulf cinema traffic lights... cam tu lah nak bg tahu address kat sini... even masa isi form buka akaun kat 'your local bank' pon ada minta landmark tempat tinggal... funny kan... lagi satu... nama2 roundabout selalu nyer berdasarkan persekitaran roundabout... contohnyer kat office AJI dekat TV roundabout... sbb ada pejabat Q4t4r TV nearby.... ada jugak roundabout dinamakan bersempena arca kat tgh2 roundabout tu... hehehe... senang jer kan.... tak perlu lah taruh nama bulatan sultan **** ibn almarhum sultan ****** ***** macam kat tpt kita.... hehehehe

hmmm... kalau bagi aku bercerita tak sudah.... apasal lah citer pasal roundabout lak nih kan.... hehehe.... tu lah... complaint complaint complaint.... citer citer citer.....


Anonymous said...

.....aa tu lah, kan dah kata, jgn merungut and upset sokmo...your questions will be answered.. dah ada 2 laptop, lagi new aptment, and i believe there's more to come..cars..residency etc.. just wait and be patient.anyway, congrats on ur new apartmnet, can't wait to see them! (u bg tgk gambar la ek).put.

zal said...

hehehe... tu lah kan... insyaAllah... will post the pics soon...

but, as compared to my joy, those org putih tak suka plak nak pindah... sbb bila pindah we all have to get all the internet connection, pay the utilities, beli brg2 etc... and plus no free breakfast! some of them will only be here for 3-6 months only... hmmm... ridiculous right...

I'm hoping that they will fight for it and get everything install and to my benefit, i will enjoy it for the next couple of years... :)

Anonymous said...

Insyallah...AMiN... .put.