Thursday, December 09, 2010

Cooler each day

Doha weather is getting cooler each day... since hujan masa time around raya haji (mid nov), winter sudah menjelma di Doha ni... tahun ni aku rasa cepat plak winter...

so bersempena winter... dan 3 bulan post-marriage effect i.e. peningkatan berat badan secara mendadak (4kg in 3 months!!!) aku ngan wifey pun plan utk jogging starting this week :-) cool weather ni best, jog for 30 minutes a day for 2-3 times a week kat corniche...

tgk doha city center while jogging... above tu, doha still berkabus, ni jam 6.30 pg ni... (18 degree)

so this is one of many 2011 resolutions, to consistently exercise, bg mengelakkan pemboroian mendadak berlaku... dan mengekalkan stamina dan kesihatan jantung hehehe... plus, jogging n exercise ni, at least bg ruang utk aku makan n continue makan, terasa kurang bersalah skit :-p

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