sejak kitaorg mem'banned' thai snack (kedai siam yg mmg selalu pergi, murah dan 'sedap') sebab ada ura2 dia mandrem terlebih, lama gak lah aku tak makan makanan thai. so aku pun nak buat lah makanan thai... hmm... aku pun mmg ada few thai food yg aku suka... setelah fikir aku decided utk masak2 thai....
ala-ala trial and error lah... ni... i've decided to cook the following....

1. steam fish with spring onion n ginger ---- ni thai chinese
2. daging masak merah ---- ni thai malaysia :-)
3. asparagus with udang---- another thai chinese
4. sawi goreng ikan masin ---- another thai malaysian style
and two of my favourite thai dishes
5. ayam pandan
6. green curry chicken :-)
sebab dah namanya try and error... aku menjemput lah kengkawan ni jadi tikus makmal utk try my food :-)... except for item 1 and 6, yg lain tu mmg first time i've tried :-) n instead of try and error.... aku rasa macam dah 'terror' plak... especially my chicken pandan yg mmg sedap (hahaha puji diri sendiri)...

for those yg nak resepi.... this is what i put utk marinate ayam pandan (for half pound chicken fillet):
1. 2 tblsp oyster sauce
2. 2 tblsp santan kelapa
3. 1 tblsp minyak bijan
4. 1 tblsp kicap sotong
5. 2 tblsp bawang putih
6. 1 tblsp halia
7. 2 tblsp tepung jagung
8. 1 helai daun pandan dihiris halus hehehe....
lepas marinate 2-3 jam.... balut lah ngan daun pandan n goreng (marinate dalam balutan pandan pun better kot :-)) *thanks to org kat bandung yg tolong carikan resepi
so, apa lagi masakan yg nak di try n error kan plak pas ni.... hmmm....
i like the fish!
i mean it looks delicious~ yummy~~~
btw tahniah! trial n error berjaya
one day can i b one of ur tikus makmal? ;D
pasni try bandung sundanese food la nak?
p.s: mi bandung n sirap bandung bkn asli bandung, hehe =)
chup! xyah thank u orait ;D
resipi i google time2 xde keje
since kene quarantine ni, internet is my bestie, hehehe~
btw u r welcum =)
eyh, jgn2 org bndg tu bkn i? errrr...?
look superbly yummy! bolehlah buat house warming nanti. Err, Razi, agree?
Sedapnya...jangan lupa jemput I for your next makan-makan session...
iyerr..iyerr... ayam pandan tu mmg sedap. Buat lagi ye Jumaat ni. Bakar style pulaks. huhuhuhu..tak sabar sabarnya nak bersuka ria.
tengok few things atas meja tu, familiar je... tambah lagi sambil dengar lagu "Teman Terulung"... muahahahaha....
abg bambang bila nak datang KL?
yup baby sera.. kita main kejar2 nanti eh.
boleh gak tu... try new type of dishes...
que sera sera
blh je... panaskan umah :-)
datang ke kalau dijemput?? hehehe...
ok, will buat lagi weekend ni..
nak buat satay juga...
yer... u punya alas meja.. :p
Alamak Zals...
i terliuh tgk Ayam pandan tu.. aiyoo sedapnyrt and my fav ever, green curry chicken... mencilaaa i baca blog you ni kadang kadan..
eh, kicap sotong tu apa?
wah teman terulung... ermmm...
u are a better cook than me... try je lah...
ala... squid sauce yg siam punya tu... hehhe.. sbb itam i called it kicap lah
tak kira! when u come back this July, u must cook the same dishes for us in Ipoh!!!!
i dont cook when my mom is around.. she's a better cook!!! :-)
RIZAL...! that's a lame excuse!
hehehe... tgk lah nanti... kalau sempat ok.. i tot u'll be bz berkempen.. mana sempat makan.. hahahaa...
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