Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Travel Report : Sanaa' (Pt 2) - 1st day

Aku fly ke Sanaa' menggunakan Air Arabia melalui Sharjah. Sebenarnya aku ke Sanaa' ni pun sebab ajakan member aku kat Dubai... so aku jumpa dia kat Sharjah dan terus ke Sanaa'. Lagipun tiket Air Arabia lagi murah dari airlines lain... murah almost QR1k jugak lah...kitaorg tiba di Sanaa' lewat tgh malam, jam 12am++ dah mmg tempah kereta ke hotel pun, sbb dah tahu sampai malam. at first we thought kena bayar visa on arrival, tp ntah macam mana free plak :-)

hotel murah je, 20usd. memang berbaloi sbb location dia kat old sanaa'. bagi sesapa nak dtg ke sini, mesti duduk kat hotel kat dalam old sanaa' kalau tak rugi. ada few hotels kat sini, tp semua mid level je, jgn expect lavish room sbb dia ubah suai bangunan lama je. cuma ada 1 je hotel 4 star, yg lain biasa2 je. there's nothing much kat sanaa' apart from the old area, so mmg wajib duduk kat old sanaa'.

kitaorang tempah sanaa nights hotel, tp ntah mcm mana ditempatkan kat golden daar yg lebih baik qualitynya (based on dlm blog). dah hari kedua br perasan benda ni. since harga dah murah

Day 1 : Jumaat 4.4.08

after breakfast kat hotel kitaorg pusing2 lah tgk Sanaa' n tanya2 kat hotel apa patut buat. after scout kat dua hotel, we have decided utk pergi ke Wadi Dhaar. Katanya ada upacara perkahwinan kat situ every Friday. kitaorg ingat nak gabung with few other places, tp tak blh sbb nak keluar lebih jauh kena ada security permit, since jumaat is a public holiday mmg takkan dapat permit.

wadi dhaar ni terletak dalam 30 minit dr Sanaa'. it is famous for its rock palace. istana ni dibina zaman imam yahya (nama penuh imam ni ialah H.M. Amir al-Mumenin al-Mutawakkil 'Ala Allah Rab ul-Alamin Imam Yahya bin al-Mansur Bi'llah Muhammad Hamidaddin, Imam and Commander of the Faithful, and King of the Yemen) yg digunakan sebagai umah rehat musim panas. terdapat 5 tingkat, setiap tingkat ada fungsinya, bilik imam, bilik tidur, ruang tamu, kitchen dan tempat melepak kat atas bumbung.

mengikut kata driver kitaorang (ooh, dia tak leh cakap english pun, so aku tetiba blh berbahasa arab plak ngan dia hehehe). tak de wedding ari ni, tp still ada wedding dance. tarian berserta jambiya (pisau) oleh beberapa org lelaki.

we spent time kat situ for few hours, then balik ke Sanaa'. setelah berehat seketika kat hotel, kitaorang keluar jalan2 n buat photo session :-) that night we went to the Yemen Mall. mengharapkan dapat lah tgk the modern yemen. but tersilap.. mmg mundur, even the Mall tu pun macam Yik Foong, Ipoh during my school days... brand yg ada pun Giurdano (bukan Giordano hehehe)

actually mlm tu, we thought of having McD. being working kat mid east, aku tak de lah nak try sgt makanan arab, because dah used to it pun. tp this is the first time i've been to somewhere yg orang2 nya tak tahu apa itu McD. mcm tak pernah dengar apa itu McD n KFC... hmmm cool kan... no western influence.

that was our first day... this is the old sanaa' from the top of Taj Talha hotel. lovely kan? unique...


Que Sera Sera said...

the pictures are just so lovely and great! feels like going there myself to experience it..am sure the feeling will be kinda different from visiting other places?

hmmm..Yik Foong? it's really ancient then..

i know there are MNCs there..what about their offices? it is in the old buildings as well?

Anonymous said...

cantik giler pic last tuh..


zal said...

que sera sera
mmg ancient tau kat situ... plus org yg kurang tamadun.. kesian pun ada....

i think that would be in the new sanaa... normal building tahun 80an
