Monday, April 07, 2008

Travel Report : Sanaa' (pt 1)

Undeveloped, Unique, Friendly, Wasted, Historical, Poor beberapa perkataan yang aku boleh describe berkenaan Sanaa...

Ok... sebelum aku cite panjang lagi... ni extract dr Wikipedia berkenaan sejarah Sanaa'.

San‘a’ is one of the ancient Yemeni cities dating back to the Sabaean dynasty of the 6th Century BC. The oldest written reference to its existence is found in inscriptions which date back to the 1st Century AD. It is suggested that San‘a’ was the capital of the Himyarite kingdom at the onset of the 6th Century AD.

When King Yousef Athar (or
Dhu Nuwas), the last of the Himyarite kings, was in power, San‘a’ was also the capital of the Ethiopian viceroys, then after 570 of the Persians.
As of the dawn of
Islam until the detachment of independent sub-states in many parts of Yemen Islamic Caliphate, San‘a’ persisted as the governing seat, who himself is Caliph's deputy in running the affairs of one of Yemen's Three Makhalifs: Mikhlaf San‘a’, Mikhlaf al-Janad and Mikhlaf Hadhramawt. The city of San‘a’ recurrently assumed an important status and all Yemenite States competed to control it.

Mamelukes arrived in Yemen in AD 1517. Following the collapse of the Mamelukes in Egypt at the hands of the Ottoman Turks, Yemen fell under the Ottoman Rule and during the first Ottoman rule of Yemen between 1538-1635, San‘a’ became the capital of the Ottoman Vilayet and also during the Ottoman second rule 1872-1918. In 1918, San‘a’ was the capital of Imam Yahya, who ruled North Yemen. At the onset of the 1962 revolution which deposed the imamate rule, it became the capital of the Yemen Arab Republic. It was then the capital of unified Yemen in 1990 where it is dubbed as the historical capital of Yemen.

sebuah negara yg memang sudah pesat membangun pada abad sebelum ini tetapi stuck 'somewhere' yg menyebabkan dia masih ditakuk lama... pada zaman negara lain tak de bangunan, kat Yemen ni dah ada the "the oldest skyscraper-city in the world" atau "Manhattan of the desert" yakni Shibam (aku tak g tempat ni). tapi pada masa kini yang dibanggakan hanyalah sejarah lama, development tak muncul2 lagi...

aku cuma melawat Sanaa dan lebih specific lagi the Old Sanaa'. Dahulunya bandar ni dikelilingi tembok batu. wujud lebih 2500 tahun dahulu dan pada tahun 1984 diisytihar sebagai World Heritage City oleh UNESCO. Seperti biasa, tempat lawatan bg negara2 arab mestilah Souq dia... dan Masjid... tak de lah apa2 yg sangat menarik... tp sebabkan seluruh bandar memang bangunan lama, memang sangat unik.

next entries aku akan cite pasal my itinerary n trips... my views and opinions... what i saw and what i did... :-)

enjoy some of the pictures... (ni gambar introduction je :-) )


Que Sera Sera said...

rizal, great pics!
more stories your own words rather than cut & paste from the the experience yourself hehe...

zal said...

que sera sera
soon :-)