Aku sampai lewat malam and the plan utk g stonehenge was the next day. Aku sewa kereta dr Surrey, level C rasanya (not paling kecik lah) for GBP46 (with GBP8 insurance). From Surrey to Stonehenge about 120km rasanya. tp mcm mana ntah, the tom tom tu bawak kitaorg pusing jalan jauh, sampai lalu portsmouth and masuk town salisbury br sampai sana.
Entrance fee was GBP6 including audio guide. Since kitaorg g Jumaat pagi, tak lah ramai sgt org. Cuaca was not that good, mendung tp tak hujan, ada lah hujan skit after abt an hour aku kat situ.

lepas g stonehenge, aku terus g ke oxfordshire... shopping kat b1cester village... hehehe... that's my daytrip. apparently masa kat london kali ni, aku mmg tak plan for any touristy thing, except g ke stonehenge ni... most of the other free time, aku jumpa member n sembang je... :-)
bro aku pun nak p stonehenge gak dulu tapi member asyik p oxford road jer , terus tak jadi
tu jer?? hahaha...jalan jauh jauh tgk batu beberapa ketul. ada key chain tak?
-Razi Yunus-
hehee.. so g ke tak stonehenge? kalau first timer ke london, mmg lah g oxford street.. wajib tu.
a ah.. key chain ada.. fridge magnet pun ada :-)
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